Monday, January 30, 2006

Week 3 - Speed run

Well, you had to know it was coming first missed target. I tried my best, but my body just was not going to have it today. Unfortunately, I've been a bit under the weather the past two days, and today was the worse of the two days. Sore throat, stuffed noise, sneezing, aches and pains (including leg muscles). Most of the day I was feeling pretty wiped out. But come the end of the work day, I sucked it up and heading to the gym because I had already made plans for Tuesday and would not be able to workout then, and I knew that some running was better than no running.

So "some running" is what I did. The schedule called for six 800m repeats. I did a slow half-mile warmup around 9:30/mi, before speeding up to a brisk 7:03/mi pace for the first 800m. I slowed to around 9:00/mi for a 1/4 mi and did 2 more of the fast 800m before doing a slow 800m followed by a fast 400m, and then so more slow stuff before I finished my run with a fast 400m. So essentially I did the equivalent of four of the fast 800m's, and an overall distance of 5 miles in around 42 minutes. I'm not thrilled about it, but it's better than having missed the run altogether.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Week 2 - Long Run

Today's run almost was a disaster. The temperatures here are in the 50s (though the normal temps should be in 20s) so I headed outdoors again for this week's long run. I went out to the Towpath Trail, my usual spot, and felt good about running. At least, that is, until I actually started running. The first mile was rough, to say the least. Although it had been a few days since we had snow, apparently most of it had not melted out there until very recently because most of the trail was full of puddles. So most of my running had to be done on the edge of the trail, or off to the side in the grass. And during that first mile, my legs felt heavy and my lungs were screaming. And I wasn't even going that fast! My first mile took almost 9 minutes, and I briefly considered stopping given the trail conditions and my physical condition.

Alas, I kept going and toughed it out. And it was a good thing, because my body seemed to quickly stop resisting what I was trying to do, and my tempo magically picked up. After 3 miles, I was at an 8:23/mi pace. I hit the turnaround point at 6 miles, at 50:58, an 8:30/mi pace. My legs started getting a bit tired during the last few miles, but I made it through and my second half pace was slightly slower, as I finished the 12 miles in a total of 1:43:32, an 8:37/mi pace. Not too bad. I'm also glad that my blister problem seems to have subsided as I did not feel any issues when running. So week two is done. Fourteen more to go.

Weekly Total: 23 miles
Yearly Total: 67 miles

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Week 2 - Tempo run

I tackled my second tempo run today. I ran 6 miles (a one mile warmup, and the actual five mile tempo run) in 49:49 (8:18/mi pace), another good time for me. I did the warmup around 9:30 pace, and did the entire five mile tempo run at 8:06. It was a little tough to keep up at times, but it was more boredom from being on the treadmill than anything else. The forecast is looking good for Saturday, so I'm planning to head outdoors once again for this week's long run.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Week 2 - Speed run

Today's plan called for 4 repeats of 1200m (3/4 mile). Quite a bit longer than last Monday's 400m (1/4 mile) repeats, though they were to be run at about a 20 second slower pace. So after a slow warm-up mile at around 9:30/mi, I ramped up to a 7:08/mi pace and completed my first 1200m. I slowed back down to around 9:30/mi for a brief 400m break before repeating 2 more times. After the third 1200m, I took a 800m break instead before conquering the fourth and final one. After the fourth repeat, instead of taking a slower mile, I slowed to a walking pace and walked a 1/4 mile. Overall, I ran 5 miles in about 40:50 (8:10/mi pace).

Wow, what a workout. It seems like each speed workout is the toughest workout I've ever done. And looking at the schedule, they're not getting any easier. Next Monday calls for 6 repeats of 800m. My shins were burning today during the repeats, but I was able to finish, which made me very happy. Next up is a 5 mile tempo run on Wednesday.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Week 1 - Long run

I moved up my long run by a day due to the very un-winter-like weather conditions that were not going to stick around for Saturday. Fortunately I got out of work early and headed straight for the park. It would be my first outdoor run in a couple of months. I started off in Peninsula, OH, on the canal towpath, part of the Cuyahoga Valley National Recreation Area. The towpath is a 40+ mile long trail that was the scene of most of my running last year.

I went south for a couple of miles, and had a surprisingly quick 8:18 mile. I then turned around, went back past where I started and north a few more miles. I finally turned around one more time, and finished up my 10 miles in a time of 1:26:40 (8:40 / mi), an excellent time for me. And the best part is that I felt good. I felt like I could have done more. I did not have any breathing issues or pain in my legs. I developed blisters on both heels, but nothing I couldn't deal with.

So week one has come and gone and I'm still here and completed everything as scheduled. This week went as good as I could have asked for. One week down, fifteen to go!

Weekly Total: 20 miles
Yearly Total: 44 miles

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Week 1 - Tempo run

Today was my first attempt at a "tempo run", a concept that is new to me. According to my plan, I was to run 3 miles at my 10K pace. So I did a warm-up mile at around 9:30, put in 3 miles at 7:47 (slightly faster than my 10K pace), and cooled down with a fifth mile at around 8:47. So in all, I did 5 miles in 42:14 (8:26 mile pace), which is pretty good. That is the fastest pace I've done on a treadmill for that length of a run, and it was at times a bit hard to keep up, but I made it through. The one good thing about being relegated to a treadmill for the winter is that it's really easy to regulate my pace. While I much prefer running outdoors, I would have real trouble figuring out my pace and distances on the run, since all of this new training techniques are new to me. Before I just used to simply run a specified distance at a decent pace. Now it's all complicated...but hopefully that complication proves beneficial come race day.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Week 1 - Speed run

So today was it. My first workout in my training program to prepare for the Flying Pig Marathon in Cincinnati on May 7th. And I'm glad to say that it went really well. Today was my first real speed workout, which is my first run of every week in the program. The plan called for eight 400 meter repeats, which basically means I run a fast ("speed") 400m, followed by a slower 400m, and repeat for a total of 8 fast and 8 slow segments. The speed advised for these 400m repeats was "10-K minus 55 to 60 seconds". Since I had not run a 10K in quite some time, I used this race time predictor to figure out my estimated time, using last month's 5K race time of 23:23. That gave me a time of 7:51 for my 10K pace.

So, I started off with a slow mile around 9:00 pace, and then started alternating between 400m runs at 8:57 and 6:53. I was worried that was a bit too fast for me, but I actually completed all 8 of them, and finished 5 miles in the process at 40:49 (8:10 pace). Needless to say, I was extremely happy with the results of my run. I won't lie and say it wasn't tough, because it was. Each repeat got a little tougher as I was more tired from the previous, but after debating whether to slow it down, I pushed ahead and finished all of them. I think this was pretty easily my most satisfying workout ever. I really felt like I stepped up and pushed myself harder than I ever have. And that is what I need to do in order to break through that 4 hour barrier in May.

So 1 workout down, 46 more to go over the next 110 days leading up to race day.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

a final tuneup

I got in one last run today before my training program starts up on Monday. I had considered setting out for a long run, but figured I would save that for the program. So I headed to the apartment's tiny fitness center and managed to get in a 4 mile run with no interruptions, in about 33:56. I felt good, no blisters, no pain. I figured I'd take off Sunday so I'd be fresh for my first run on Monday evening. So from now on I have a plan to stick to, so we'll see how well I'm able to stick to that.

Weekly Total: 14 miles
Yearly Total: 24 miles

Friday, January 13, 2006

counting down

I finally made it back into the gym today and back on a treadmill. I had a busy week with plans on meeting people both Wed & Thur, so that prevented me from getting a run in until today. Not ideal, but whatever.

The run itself went well. I didn't have a set goal when I started, so I just set the timer for 60 minutes and took off. Ended up doing 5 miles in 43:13 (8:38/mi pace). I felt good and could have done more, but I didn't want to spend all of my Friday night on a treadmill. Unfortunately I think I felt some heel blisters coming on late, so I think I'm going to try different socks next time and see if that makes any difference. Hoping to get a "long run" in this weekend, either Sat or Sun, before my official training program begins next week.

Monday, January 09, 2006

stay resolute

I had a good start to the week today, completing a 6-mile run on the treadmill at work in 52:10 (8:41 pace). That is the longest I have managed to complete in a few months. I had originally set out to do 8 miles, and would have liked to have done so except that I started developing some blisters on the heels of both of my feet. I'd like to think I'm still "breaking in" my new shoes and that this is only a temporary issue, but I'm not entirely sure.

The rec center was busy, but not crazy. I'm wondering if some people are already slacking off on their New Year's resolutions. A guy I know was all gung-ho last month about starting a new lifting program in the new year, and he has gone all of one time so far (after which, of course, he was extremely sore for days). Part of me hopes some people have fallen by the wayside for my own greedy interests of not being crowded, but the other part of me hopes that people are able to stick with it if they have some goals in mind.

The staff put these little stickers on all of the cardio machines advising people to "limit your workout to 30 minutes during peak hours". This had me a little concerned, but I kept an eye on the treadmills around me and made sure that there was always at least one or two open. And fortunately there always was. The center also offers spinning courses, so I am thinking about trying one out tomorrow. Should be interesting.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

a false start

I was lazy all weekend, but tried to make up for it this evening by wandering over to my apartment complex's new "fitness center". The "center" is about the size of my living room and houses about 6 or 7 fitness machines and 2 of the cheapest treadmills one could buy. And oh, what is that? One of the treadmills was "Out of Order". The place has only been open a week and one is already broken?! Not a good sign.

But I needed a run, so I fired up the lone operational treadmill and had the grand thought of doing 8 miles. Well, as luck would have it, another resident came in about 4 minutes into my run. He did not say anything, but used a couple of the machines and then seemed to be just hanging out. So it was obvious he wanted the treadmill but wasn't going to push it. So I decided to cut things short and stopped at the 2 mile mark (completed in 16:58) and headed back to my apartment, disappointed.

So week 1 of the new year is behind me with a grand total of 10 miles run. Not exactly up to the 20 mile per week goal I had envisioned for myself, but it's early. I think it's time to investigate running alternatives since it is obvious that my apartment's "fitness center" is not going to offer me much. I'm happy with the fitness center at work, but do not care to drive make the 30+ mile round trip on the weekends just to get a run in. But we'll see what happens. The only good thing about today's run is that there seemed to be zero problems with the new shoes. Hopefully no more blisters are in their future.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

A fresh start

I picked up a new pair of shoes last night, the new Asics GT-2110. I'd be lying if I didn't say that Runner's World giving them it's "Editor's Choice" award was not a major factor in my decision. This is only my 2nd pair of running shoes, so I don't have any brand loyalty or varied experiences to influence my decision. My previous pair were New Balance 766s which served me well, for over 400 miles.

So of course, I had to give the new shoes a spin today. I didn't want to push myself too hard, so I just did a 3 mile run on the treadmill, which I finished in 25:44. I kept just under a 9:00 pace for most of the run before some speed-ups near the end of the third mile. The shoes felt pretty good, nothing spectacular (I'm not expecting minutes to fall off my mile time). I did get a nice blister on the back of my left foot though. I'm hoping that was just because they're new. They are a 1/2 size bigger than my last pair, since I encountered some toe blisters on long runs and the infamous black toenail during the actual marathon with my old ones.

I plan to take the next few days off, since I usually have plans on Thursday & Friday evenings. I'm hoping to get a long run in somewhere on Saturday. Hopefully the weather is agreeable and I can do it outside (my first outdoor run in a while, besides last Saturday's 5K). Otherwise I might try out my apartment complex's new fitness center, which probably has one cheap treadmill. Oh well, better than nothing!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Welcome to Brad runs!

This is my new site to chronicle my attempts at running. I did a similar blog in 2005, My First Marathon, to track my journey as I went from a newbie runner who struggled to string together 3 miles at a time, to completing my first marathon almost 5 months later. So yes, I've been running less than a year, and despite always having the goal to just complete that one marathon in my lifetime, I found myself hooked on running after I completed it. So here I am, back at it.

Like many other runners, I too have set goals for myself in the coming year. First is to run at least 1,000 miles over the course of 2006, which is about 20 miles a week. While I haven't seen 20 miles in a week since September, I think I can easily get back up to that level as I attempt to achieve my other goal of 2006, to complete 2 marathons. I already have my first marathon picked out, the Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon on May 7th (just 123 days from now). I am also planning on a fall marathon, and am currently considering the Twin Cities Marathon and the Chicago Marathon.

My previous marathon was the Akron Marathon, back on October 1st of 2005, which I completed in 4 hours, 7 minutes and 49 seconds. I really enjoyed it and thought it was a great race (despite being the only one I've done), but I feel that I should get in some variety with my races since who knows how long (or short) I will keep doing them. I'm not a serious runner and realize that I'm never going to set any records or win any races, but I still enjoy the challenge. At this point, my only goal is to finish my next one in under 4 hours, even if it's only by a few seconds.

I started off the new running year by completing a 5 mile run on the treadmill at work. I live near Cleveland, Ohio, so the weather for running outdoors is less than ideal this time of year. So most of my runs in the winter come via the treadmill. I tried to add some speed work to my running today, with little success. I alternated between 1/2 miles of 9:00 and 7:20 for 2 miles before my lungs convinced me to stop that. I kept the pace for the final 3 miles a little under 9:00, and finished the 5 miles in 42:52 (or something like that). I'm going to give the speed work another try sometime, though at a slightly slower pace.