Monday, January 30, 2006

Week 3 - Speed run

Well, you had to know it was coming first missed target. I tried my best, but my body just was not going to have it today. Unfortunately, I've been a bit under the weather the past two days, and today was the worse of the two days. Sore throat, stuffed noise, sneezing, aches and pains (including leg muscles). Most of the day I was feeling pretty wiped out. But come the end of the work day, I sucked it up and heading to the gym because I had already made plans for Tuesday and would not be able to workout then, and I knew that some running was better than no running.

So "some running" is what I did. The schedule called for six 800m repeats. I did a slow half-mile warmup around 9:30/mi, before speeding up to a brisk 7:03/mi pace for the first 800m. I slowed to around 9:00/mi for a 1/4 mi and did 2 more of the fast 800m before doing a slow 800m followed by a fast 400m, and then so more slow stuff before I finished my run with a fast 400m. So essentially I did the equivalent of four of the fast 800m's, and an overall distance of 5 miles in around 42 minutes. I'm not thrilled about it, but it's better than having missed the run altogether.


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