Sunday, December 31, 2006

Final run of 2006

Today was my final run of 2006. I went up to the community fitness center and boarded my treadmill in hopes of doing 5 miles. However, things got busy and there is a 30-minute time limit, so after 30 minutes (and a little under 4 miles), I jumped off and started running around the indoor track.

I had originally intended to only run 5 miles, but I felt surprisingly good after leaving the treadmill and circling the track, so I stretched out my run to 10K, with a nice surge at the end. A good run to end the year on.

Weekly Total: 10.7 miles
Yearly Total: 928.5 miles (FINAL)

Friday, December 29, 2006

Back on track

Today was my first run in a week, so I took it pretty easy. I had intended to only run 4 miles, but felt really good near the end and ran the last half mile at a very good pace that was closing in on 7 minutes a mile. I think my legs appreciated the week of rest, as they were pretty responsive today.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Four miles before I fly

Today I was able to get out of work a couple of hours early, so I hit the gym and got in a 4 mile run before I leave for St. Louis this evening. I am packing my running gear, though I'm not very optimistic about whether it will get any use while I'm on vacation.

Weekly Total:
7 miles
Yearly Total: 917.8 miles

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Just three

A little short on time today, so I just ran a brief 3 mile run.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

An 8 mile towpath run

Today was the start of a new era in my running. I finally dusted off the old heart rate monitor that I bought shortly after I began running a year and a half ago (which I quickly discarded because I didn't like it telling me I was training too hard). And with that, I hope to have begun the "heart-rate training" era of my running.

First, I calculated my maximum heart rate to be around 190 bpm. I then picked up a Runner's World guide that told me my "target rate" for long runs should be between 65 - 75% of my max, which equals out to about 125 - 145. Given my utter disdain for running at anything less than hard, I stuck to the high end of that range, and tried to keep my rate right around 145. And surprisingly, I was very successful. Yes, I wasn't running at a pace that I felt comfortable with as I felt like I was really holding back. But I realize that the key to further improving my running abilities is to follow a plan. And I think listening to my heart rate is as good as any.

So, I hit up the towpath, enjoying the beautiful (and extremely rare) weather and hit up the towpath for the first time in a while, heading south for 4 miles before turning back. The temperatures were in the upper 40s, and between that and my reduced pace, I barely broke a sweat during the course of my 8.5 mile run. It's nice not to be dripping wet after a run.

Weekly Total: 19.7 miles
Yearly Total: 910.8 miles

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Five mile tempo run

Today was a rather bland 5 mile tempo run on the treadmill at work. It took a lot of effort for me to not speed up. I think that is the flatest run graph I have ever generated. It does a very good job of conveying how exciting the run was. But I'm trying. I know it's good for me. I can't run my hardest every time out.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Another treadmill 10k

I'm starting to get good at these treadmill 10Ks. So much for adding variety to my running routine. Today's run was sort of a tempo run, with a gradually increasing pace. I'm not quite sure of why there is such the steep increase at the start. Guess I started my tracker sooner than I wanted to. This ended up being my first sub-8:00/mi average pace run in a while. I think a big part of my problem has been that I have been overtraining (in terms of my pace), so I'm trying to back off a bit, which is a lot harder than it may sound (I'm sure most runners would agree with me on that).

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Some speed work

Today's run graph looks more interesting than usual, as I was trying to do a little bit of interval training. I was sort of doing 1/2 mile intervals at around a 7:00/mi pace with a 9:00/mi pace for recovery. I then went faster (and subsequently had a slower recovery pace) with each mile. I was pretty wiped out near the end. It really provides a good workout, which is what I need to get back on the right track. Look for more run graphs to look like this in the future.

Weekly Total: 10.2 miles
Yearly Total: 891.1 miles

Monday, December 04, 2006

A treadmill 10K

In order to make sure I still had it in me, I hit up the treadmill after work for a 10K (6.2mi) run at a decent clip. I started off strong before backing off for a bit and then gradually picking it back up for a strong finish. Still trying to get my legs back following the marathon.