Friday, August 25, 2006

Detroit Marathon Training - Week 7 - Run #2

Did a rare back-to-back run today, having just run yesterday. But since I missed a few days, I had to compact this week's schedule. Fortunately, things seem to have turned out just fine.

I managed to get in 6.2 miles today on the treadmill at work. Just as I started my run today, the fire alarm went off. After some confusion, it turns out we didn't have to evacuate because a kid had pulled a nearby alarm. I kept the elevation flat today and followed this routine:

Miles 1 & 2: 7:47/mi pace
Miles 3 & 4: 7:41/mi pace
Miles 5 & 6: 7:35/mi pace (w/ increases during mile 6)

Things went well. A 10K in 47:15, which averages out to a 7:36/mi average pace. The biggest issue I'm having these days is boredom. Time just seems to drag during my runs anymore. There is nothing good on TV at that time of the day (crappy local news, Oprah, or Judge Judy). All the music in my old mp3 player is getting stale. I'm thinking about getting a new iPod nano, especially since I'm dying to try out that Nike + iPod thing they have going on. Even though I don't care to get Nike shoes, lots of people have reported being able to use it with any brand of shoes. Sounds good to me.


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