Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Detroit Marathon Training - Week 5 - Run #1

Been busy this past two evenings, so I was not able to run until today. I headed down to the gym after work to hit up the treadmill. Should have went outside since the weather is amazing, but I did not. I'm not sure if I'll be able to get another run in this week besides my long run, so today was a bit of a speed/tempo hybrid. I started off at a good pace, 7:53/mi, and kept speeding up with each mile.

Mile 1 - 7:53/mi
Mile 2 - 7:47/mi
Mile 3 - 7:41/mi
Mile 4 - 7:35/mi
Mile 5 - 7:30/mi (first half)
Mile 6 - 7:24/mi (first half), 7:17/mi (second half)
Mile 7 - 7:11/mi (first half) + stedily increasing

Overall, I finished the 7 miles in 52:59, which averages out to a 7:34/mi pace. Not too shabby for such a long run. I actually felt best during the 6th mile, which is good to know.


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