Wednesday, June 21, 2006

a pre-10k 10k

Storms outside again today, so I hit up the treadmill at the gym for a nice 10k tempo run to help prepare for the 10k that I will most likely be running this Sunday morning. I started out under an 8:00/mi pace and gradually increased the speed, before more aggressive speed increases in the last two miles.

Ended up finishing the 6.2 mile run in 48:06 (7:44/mi pace), which was more than good enough for an "unofficial" 10K PR. I felt pretty wiped out at the end since I was running hard that last mile, and due to the lack of circulating air in the gym, I was drenched in sweat. But after getting some water and stretching out, I did not feel half bad. I feel pretty confident that I can have a good showing if I decide to run on Sunday.


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