Friday, June 09, 2006

New shoes & new 5K PR! (sort of)

Yesterday I got a new pair of running shoes. Today I put them to the test and ended up with a 5K personal record time. It doesn't really count though since it was on a treadmill at work. But it felt good to know what I was capable of, and the shoes felt pretty good too.

The new shoes are a pair of Brooks Radius 6. I guess I'm a real runner now since I got some Brooks, which is sort of regarded by some as "the real runner's shoe". I went to Fleet Feet Sports in Northfield, got my foot measured and evaluated. Found out that I have a pretty neutral foot and would do best with a cushioned shoe. The salesman brought out 3 pairs, and the Brooks felt most comfortable by far.

As for the run today, I didn't plan to go so fast, but I felt good and just went for it. I'm doing the Ohio City 5K next Saturday, so I thought I'd push myself hard one last time before the race to see what I'm capable of. And man was I pleased with the results. My time was 21:52, which is about a minute and a half faster than my actual race best 5K time. I honestly didn't believe I could achieve a pace that was almost under 7 minutes a mile (7:02)! So I am now looking forward to next Saturday's race in hopes that I can get a new "official" 5K PR that is hopefully as good as the "unofficial" one I got today.


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