Monday, June 19, 2006

stupid heels

Went running on the treadmill at work today as it was storming outside this afternoon. Hit up the treadmill with the intention of doing some speedwork and going 6 miles. Ending up doing just a bit of speedwork (about three 1/4 mile segments under 7:00/mi pace), only went 5 miles in 41:13 (8:14/mi pace), and tore up the heel on my right foot. It was hurting but I did not think much of it until I finished running and saw I had bled through the top of my sock and onto the top heel of my shoe. The same thing had happened last week, just not as severe, on the same foot but just slightly lower and toward the inside. So I need to get some taller socks and get those bandaids on. I hope I don't go through the blister trouble with these shoes as I did with the previous pair.


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