Wednesday, July 05, 2006

awesome weather

The heat and the humidity receeded for today, so I headed across the street from work to the park and had a very good six mile run. It was awesome weather for running (with the exception of a little too much sun, but I suppose that's good for the Vitamin D) and I did not end up getting super sweaty like I would have on the treadmill at work.

I ended up doing 6 miles in 45:12, which equates to a pretty good pace of 7:32/mile, which is the same pace I had for the 10K a little over a week ago. Not bad for not running in almost 5 days, not to mention the somewhat hilly course.

Since I am now registered for the Detroit Marathon, I am planning to start my good ol' 16-week marathon training program next week. So this is my last week to really do whatever I want, not that it's a big deal. I seem to do better in a structured program anyways. But I just don't feel as guilty missing a run when it's not on a schedule.

Weekly Total: 6 miles
Yearly Total: 421.6 miles


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