Friday, June 30, 2006

a quick six

One would have thought I would have learned my lesson after the sweaty run from the other day, but I was back at it today with the same result. The only difference today was the I managed to eek out two more miles, for a total of six, before calling it quits.

Today was more of a tempo run with a gradually increasing pace. I started around 8:20/mile and kept picking it up with the goal of finishing under an 8:00/mi pace, which I did. I completed the 6 miles in 46:50 (a 7:48/mi pace).

I felt some pain in my left ankle as I was cooling down from the run. Felt a bit tender on the inside, so I might need to keep an eye on that. It feels fine now as I write this, 4 hours later, but it did not feel too hot after the run.

Weekly Total: 10 miles
Yearly Total: 415.6 miles


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