Sunday, February 19, 2006

Week 5 - Long run

Well, today's "long run" ended up being not so long. I had a feeling that 14 miles on a treadmill was going to be a challenge, and that it was. I managed to keep the towel over the display for a few miles, but eventually I broke down and kept looking at it. No matter what might be on TV, or what cute girl might be on the stair climber in front of me, there is nothing that can keep my attention off the clock when I'm on a treadmill. I can't help it.
I don't know any times or how many breaks I took in between, but I ended up doing 8 miles at around a 9:00/mi pace. Near the end, my left knee was starting to get that all-too-familiar Iliotibial Band pain in my left knee. Not a good sign. It's probably best that I stopped at 8 miles since my body is a little behind plan as far as ramping up my mileage because of my illness earlier this month. Hopefully I can catch back up to the mileage, because it only gets more and more from here on out.

Weekly Total: 17 miles
Yearly Total: 93 miles


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