Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Detroit Marathon Training - Week 14 - Run #2

Another treadmill run today after work. It was sort of like a tempo run. I started at 8:00 pace, went up to a 7:53 for the second mile, 7:46 for the third mile, and after 4.5 miles I went back up and did a couple more miles at 8:00 before finishing hard.

I tried going harder today than I have recently, and it did not go so great. I had planned to keep increasing speed, but after 4 miles, I had to cut back or I was not going to make it 7 miles. One good development today is that the treadmill read 7 miles and my iPod said 7.04 miles. The only really difference between today and Monday was that I used a different model treadmill. So I'm guessing this treadmill might actually be more accurate than the other one. So it looks like I will stick to this model going forward.

So 7 miles in 54:21 for an average pace of 7:42 per mile.


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