Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Detroit Marathon Training - Week 3 - Run #1

I went into today's speed run with a plan, and actually stuck to it for once. The plan was to do 4 repeats of 1200m (3/4 mi), and that is exactly what I did. I ran the first 1/4 mile at 8:41, and then sped up to a 6:58 pace for the remaining 3/4. I did this four times, though I started the fourth speed segment at 6:51 and ramped up from there. I think I finished the four miles in 30:33 (7:38/mi pace).

I then ran a fifth mile starting back at an 8:41 pace and gradually picking up over time, until I was around a 5:45 pace for a sprint to the finish. My time for the five miles was 37:25 (7:29 pace).

I was struggling a bit at first near the end of the speed segments, but I seemed to get stronger as I went along. And afterwards, I felt fine. Even now, a few hours later, there is no soreness in my legs at all. So of course I'm left wondering if I need to push myself harder, but I'm just glad that I was able to accomplish what I set out to do today. And my overall pace was faster than last week's speed run, so that is good I suppose, even though my speed segment pace was slower.


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