Friday, July 21, 2006

Detroit Marathon Training - Week 2 - Run #2

Life has yet again interferred with my running, so I have been off from running the past few days. But I made my return today with a run after work in the gym on the handy old treadmill.

Today's run went pretty well. I pounded out an extra mile more than my treadmill usual, running a total of 6 miles in a time of 45:20, for a 7:33/mile pace. This was slightly faster than last week's tempo run pace. I ran about the first 2 miles at a 7:41/mi clip, before bumping it up to 7:35/mi for the middle two, and 7:30 for the 5th mile, and then increased gradually during the last mile, with a sprint to the finish.

I think 7:30 is going to be the pace that I aim to stay at with the tempo runs. I know I have no chance of doing that for a marathon distance, but I need to keep pushing myself.


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