Sunday, July 30, 2006

Detroit Marathon Training - Week 3 - Run #2

Missed a run earlier this week because I was not feeling too well. I had hoped to have a strong comeback today with the week's long run. Unfortunately, the weather conditions had other plans for me.

I drove out to the park, actually somewhat looking forward to knocking out 12 miles. But it was hot. Really hot. It was in the low 90s, very sunny and very humid. I took a bottle of water with me, planning to fill up further along my way. But after a few miles, I knew that wasn't going to work out too well. My shirt was drenched after 2 miles, and my bottle was nearing empty.

After turning around at the 3 mile mark, I mixed in some walking with my running, because I was afraid of getting overheated. I saw only two other brave runners, and both appeared to be doing the same.

Subtracting out the walking parts, I'd say that I actually ran about 5 1/2 miles. My first mile was amazingly just under 8 minutes, but the later ones were more around 9 - 9 1/2. Disappointing that things could not have gone better, but I wanted to be careful and not get hurt, or something worse.

Weekly Total: 10.5 miles
Yearly Total: 470.1 miles


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