Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Week 11 - short run

Today I went running. Well, sort of. I had debated whether or not to run, and when I got down to the gym and found they had a towel shortage, I was even less enthused to run. But I soldiered on, and got going anyways. A couple minutes in, I decided I didn't really want to do this. Part of it was that it was late when I started, and also the fact that I didn't want to drive how all sweaty and gross (or I could have just drip-dried in the locker room after a shower).

So, I rapidly increased the treadmill speed since I wanted to at least get a mile out of my efforts. I did finish that lone mile in a very fast 7:10, but my lungs voiced extreme displeasure. I was feeling short of breath for almost 20 minutes afterwards, and even used my inhaler once I got into my car and realized it wasn't getting better. So note to self, don't do that again.


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