Friday, November 03, 2006

My first post-marathon run

Today I did my first post-marathon run. My legs felt pretty good on Monday, the day after the marathon. But come Tuesday morning, I was limping around a bit. My left calf was extremely tender and did not like being walked on. My right one was also sore and tender, but not nearly as bad. Things improved slightly on Wednesday, and by Thursday I felt about 80%. So I decided to do my first run on Friday.

Nothing too exciting. I just went to the treadmill after work, kept the pace pretty light, and went for a half hour. I actually ran about 3.3 miles, though my iPod said 3.4 miles. I actually did not feel too bad. It was also the first run in my new shoes, a pair of Brooks Dyad 3. Things went pretty well. No real complaints, besides my lungs not exactly feeling up to par. I was coughing quite a bit after the workout, which was surprising since I did not push myself that hard and did not ever really feel short of breath.

So 3.3 miles in 30 minutes, for an average pace of 9:05 per mile.


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