Friday, January 05, 2007

4 mile tempo

Today's run was done on the treadmill at the fitness center after work, which was surprisingly still not crowded (even less so than Wednesday). I hopped on my preferred treadmill, which is quickly becoming unpreferred because it seems to over-report my distance as compared to my iPod. Today, I had to run 4.2 miles to get my iPod to register 4 miles. Usually it's the other way around on the treadmills.

I started off the first 1/2 mile at around a 9:00/mi pace, and then at the .5 mile marker, I kicked it up to a 7:30/mi pace and kept it there for the next 3 full miles. It was tough to keep up, but I managed. For the final 1/2 mile, I knocked the speed back down a bit with a slight increase near the end (just to get the thing over with). My legs were pretty sore afterwards, and my lungs weren't too happy. But it was a good run.



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